
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Writing Ws

Hello and welcome back to my blog.

This week for writing my goal was: confidently shape ideas for effect. For this goal we wrote a story that had 9 lines or more. I wrote my story about the accident this story is made up and the character was positive and negative. Here is my story thank you for reading my blog.

Have you ever had to write a story with a posive negitive or both character???

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Hey Hi Hello and welcome back to my blog.

This week for maths my goal was: use a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole number and decimals- proportional adjustment. For this goal I made a poster with maths questions we had to do one of each. Thank you for reading my blog. Here is a picture below 

Have you ever done these??

Reading Ws

Hi and welcome back to my blog.

This week for reading my goal was independently predict interpret and analyse text reading between the lines to gain a deeper meaning. For this goal we watched a movie called snack attack and we had to try and find out stuff that the author didn't say. In this movie there was clues around were it was set. To do this goal I made a poster with why inferring is important. Thank you for reading my blog. There will be a picture at the bottom. 
Have you ever watched the movie snack attack??

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Reading WS

Hey Hi hello and welcome back to my blog.

This week for reading my goal was: Use questions to challenge the text, question the author and establish the authenticity of the text. For this goal I made a poster to show my learning about covid-19 Here is my poster. Thank you for reading my blog.

Writing Ws

Hello and welcome back to my blog.

This week we had to write a narrative which will carry on for a few more weeks. For this we had to fill out a planning template and write a story. The story was only allowed to have 250 or 300 max. Thank you for reading my blog. Here is the start of my story.

Maths Ws

Hello and welcome back to my blog.

This week we had a few goal: Determine appropriate variable data collection methods. Use a database ( spreadsheet ) to collect and organize data. Analyse a data sample. Choose an appropriate data display- time series. Evaluate findings and form conclusions. Make a sensible statements about information with reference to supporting evidence. For these goals we had to create a chart for my chart I did it on how many hours me and my sister sleep. Here is my slides. Thank you for reading my blog.

What is your favorite type of chart?

Friday, May 8, 2020


Hello and welcome back to my blog.

This week for R.E was all about Mary and why she inspires us. One thing that inspires me is how she always helped and put everyone else before herself. I really enjoyed doing this. Thank you so much for reading my blog. Here is a picture of my create task.
What does Mary inspire you to do?

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Writing W4

Hello and welcome back to my blog.

This week for writing the goal was: select word and phrases to enhance meaning and or mood confidently shape ideas for effect. For this goal I made 2 poems a diamante poem ( on ducks ) and a limerick poem ( on a bear at a fair ). Thank you for reading my blog. Here are my poems. 
What would you write your poems on?? 

Reading W4

Hello and welcome back to my blog.

This week for writing the goal was: make predictions about the text. Look for clues to confirm predictions. For this goal I choose to make a poster with some predictions that I thought would happen in the story. Thank you for reading my blog. Here is a picture of my poster.
Have you ever read the promise???