
Friday, March 1, 2019

South Sudan

This week we have been doing R.E on South Sudan. If you haven't heard that  South Sudan and many other countries are still facing conflict. Conflict is affecting many families, Homes and life's. We are lucky enough that we don't have to face conflict anymore and we can be healthy. Here is a list of countries that are still facing conflict. Over all I think conflict is very sad and know families should be facing this.

1.North Korea
2. Iraq
3. Sudan
4. Russia

I learnt that many people are still facing conflict and  I didn't even know what this was. I also learnt the we shouldn't  take things for granted because people around the world aren't as lucky as us. They don't have the right education to get a job which is sad because they aren't going to make money to live a happy healthy life.

and there is a whole lot more to

Have you ever done R.E on conflict?

South Sudan

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