Yesterday my hub went live to the whole of New Zealand. There were 4 different ways we could showcase our learning these were Drama,poetry slam, talk and podcast there were also different types of discrimination that we could focus on these were sexism, ableism,racism and religious discrimination my group choose to do a drama on the gender pay gap between men and woman ( sexsim) I personally really enjoyed doing this and learning about sexsim, why we need to stop it and how it is affecting people in there daily lives. Thank you for reading my blog.
Have you ever gone live for a day?
Have you ever done a drama before?
Hi Sienna - Going live for a day was awesome - I was so impressed! I have never gone live - even for an hour let alone a day! Would you recommend it? and if you could me one tip that would help me if I was to go live for an hour - what would it be?